Branch Broker, Roaring Fork Valley

Why is it important to you to work for a locally focused real estate company?
I love the grit and hardworking attitude of the people here, including many entrepreneurs. Many of us who live here relocated from other places, but we all bring that same rugged spirit of those who originally settled out west, willing to do whatever it takes to make a go at it. Which takes sacrifice. You have to engage and connect with the community, lean on each other, support one another and also respect our natural resources. This valley rewards those who passionately invest in it. Coupled with an unparalleled lifestyle, it’s evident why I’ve chosen to call it home.
What is a local business or cause that is important to you?
Because of my restaurant background and understanding of what it takes to succeed as a business owner here, I support CoVenture, a nonprofit entrepreneur incubator and accelerator, dedicated to building stability in our local communities through the next generation of local entrepreneurship.

What’s your favorite Colorado spot?
Can’t pick just one. It depends upon what I’m looking for in that moment.
Describe your city or town in three words.
Challenging. Rewarding. Unique.